1 Tip to Make You a Better Writer

Aside from getting a really good all-around education and much-improved job prospects, I learned a few really important things in college. For example: Keyboard: flickr.com/photos/kimkishbaugh

  • I learned how to read poetry. (I had a great professor who taught me this, and it’s enriched my whole life.)
  • I learned the basics of ballroom dancing.
  • I learned that storing tomatoes and bananas near each other makes both ripen more quickly. True. Try it. (Or try separating them if they’re already as ripe as you want them.)

But one of the most important things I learned — especially for me, a journalism major — was an important tip to tighten up my writing. Here it is, free of charge, saving you the cost of four years at a Big 10 university: Get rid of the extraneous warmup text at the beginning. Continue reading

You’ve Got Spam!

I’m a success!

Really. I am. I know this because my blog is starting to be inundated by spam. I’m getting spam comments at a rate of 6-to-1 versus actual comments. I could ask y’all to get more engaged by submitting real comments (wink), but I’d rather celebrate my little successes.

The thing about spam comments, as annoying as they are, is that it means someone outside my usual network has started finding my blog. Continue reading

10 story ideas for your organization’s blog

I wrote yesterday about the need to have a content plan in place for your blog or website, including either a formal editorial calendar or at least a list of article topics that you plan to write about. This both helps keep you focused on your site’s mission and gives you a jumping-off point when it’s time to publish a new article. You don’t necessarily have to start from scratch and come up with a new idea every time you sit down to write.

If you don’t have that list – or if, as happened to me, you misplace it – I said you were pretty much out of luck; there was nothing I could do for you.

I’ve changed my mind. If it’s time to get some new content out on your organization’s blog, but you just don’t have any ideas, here are 10 story suggestions – topics you should always be able to draw on to write something useful and compelling for your members and supporters: Continue reading

Living proof that you need a content plan for your website

I have violated one of my own best-practice rules for bloggers. Inadvertently. Accidentally. But still…

What have I done? I find myself without a list of article ideas for a rainy day. I keep this list, of course. When I have an idea for a blog post, but no time to write it, I jot it down for future use. That way, when I feel the need to write something, but the muse isn’t visiting, I can always come up with something worthwhile to write. Continue reading