Tablet Users Want to See Your Whole Website… Usually

Is your website optimized for mobile users? Do you have either a separate site or a separate template for mobile users, and the ability to automatically direct visitors to the appropriate version when they arrive at the site? And does your mobile website offer a link to your full website?

If your answer to all those questions is yes… great! Unfortunately, you’re not quite done. Continue reading

Google Analytics: Pairing Mobile Devices and Screen Resolution

Want to know what screen resolution your mobile site visitors are using when they visit your website?

This is basic information that should be available in any decent analytics package, and it’s very easy to find in Google Analytics.

Here’s how: Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions for SEO, Part 1

Periodic Guide to SEO

Are you one for New Year’s resolutions? I’m not usually. But I’ve been thinking a lot lately about search engine optimization (SEO), and I have some suggestions for webmasters or marketers who aren’t sure whether their website is well optimized. Here are 12 suggestions that you can use to make your website more attractive to search engines – not because there are exactly 12 actions that will ensure your website will be found and recommended by search engines, but because there are 12 months in the year. Continue reading

Suggestion for Google Analytics: Better Integration of Feedburner

I love Google Analytics, and I love Feedburner. I especially love the new “Basic Blog Dashboard” custom report put together and shared by Justin Cutroni as part of Google’s rollout of its new custom dashboard sharing functionality.

But there’s one thing missing. I don’t believe Google has provided a way for me to pull my Feedburner subscriber data into a Google Analytics dashboard. This isn’t the same thing as seeing Feedburner-driven traffic within my analytics. Continue reading

Create Use Cases for SEO Keyword Selection

One of the most important elements of search engine optimization (SEO) is choosing the right keywords for your content. It’s an art as much as a science, and it’s difficult to teach. I think considering use cases for your target audience can help.

First, an introduction to keywords: Essentially, keywords are terms — words or phrases — that people use to search on the Internet. Whether on Google, Bing or another search engine, they type in a word or phrase to find information they’re looking for.

If you own or manage a website, you generally want them to find your site — if, that is, they’re looking for anything related to what you do. To do this, you can optimize the content on your site to match up with the keywords people are using in their searches.

It’s important not to overdo this — not to load your pages up with too many references to the keywords, for example. (The best rule of thumb to keep in mind at all times is to make your website a good experience for visitors. You do not want your language to feel unnatural to a visitor.) Continue reading