Reading the news

“Your Tax Dollars Help Starve Children.”

I read this in my newspaper as I bite into my egg sandwich.

Sadness mingles with guilt, egg with cheese, and what am I to do but go on?

I send money to counter the money already spent in my name, hope to undo what I’ve already done without knowing will it be enough, will it save one life, and what is one life balanced against 85,000, against 12 million?

“We think of war casualties as men with their legs blown off. But in Yemen the most common war casualties are children like Fawaz who suffer from malnutrition.”


Nicholas Kristof risked his life to show me what is happening in Yemen.
Lu Guang may have given his to show us China.
Five more journalists gave theirs on home soil at the Capital Gazette. Their colleagues soldier on without them.

What price for truth?
What price for conscience?
What price for my comfort?

If these pictures don’t break your heart,
If these words don’t break your heart,
If these truths don’t break your heart,
You’re either not human or you’re not listening.

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