Good Reads, Feb. 16-22, 2013

There’s a little bit of something for everyone in here this week. Lots of technology and marketing, of course – email tips, writing advice, great information on Google’s search algorithm for Google News – but there are some really good reads around bigger themes as well. Themes like innovation (new ways to think about association membership, and the direction technology will take in the near future, for example).

I’ve written a little bit extra about a couple of my personal favorites below. If you missed these articles this week, take a few minutes now to read them through.

Associations & Management

New Ways to Think About Membership
7 Tips for (Seriously) Humanizing Your Brand – This actually contains no tips at all. Jamie Notter takes a more serious look at why it’s not actually so easy to “humanize” your brand – especially if you haven’t yet humanized your organization. My favorite nugget: “Do you trust your employees? Do they understand the organization’s strategy and success drivers? Do they even know what’s going on in other departments?”
We’re All in the Knowledge Business Now
Forget About Work. (For 15 Minutes.)

Technology (in all its many forms)

ComScore: Key Trends that Will Shape the U.S. Digital Industry in 2013
Why Data-Informed vs. Data-Driven? – Beth Kanter writes: “” Amen, sister.

Search and Journalism (yes, both!)

An Inside Look at Google’s News-Ranking Algorithm


How You Should Be Taking Advantage of the Social Media Explosion


The Key to Creating Content that Resonates Online


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