Happy New Year: What happened 50 years ago?

JFK handwritten speech, "Ich bin ein Berliner"I have a friend who turned 50 yesterday, and last night we celebrated her birthday. As a gift, I decided to put together a bookmark for her, depicting 1963 in history.

Certainly the most famous event of 1963 in the United States was the Nov. 22 assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. But did you know that all of the following events also occurred in 1963? Continue reading

Good Reads, Jan. 6-12, 2013

Been too busy this week to spend much time keeping up with your newsletters, RSS feeds and other news sources? Here are some of the best articles I’ve come across during the week.

Analytics & Websites


Journalism / Content


Personal Development

In Search of the Perfect Screen Grab Utility

kkish.net screenshot

Screen grab captured with Skitch

For someone who lives in an Apple household and loves the death out of Apple products, I have to admit that I’ve now spent so much time working on PCs in my professional life (never been self-employed) that I actually find myself having to learn/re-learn how to use a Mac. Continue reading

Take Time to Do it Right

… or…
Slow down; you’re moving too fast.

Christmas cookiesI love to cook.

I especially love to bake – a skill I picked up from my mom. I’m actually good at it, too. I’m the pie baker, cookie maker and cake provider for my extended family. If the occasion calls for dessert, nine times out of 10 I’m bringing it, and 99 times out of 100 it will be homemade.

But I’m also very distractable and have a hard time stopping myself from multi-tasking. If I’m not being fully challenged by a task, I sometimes let my mind drift forward to the next job. Given an opportunity, I look for another challenge. Continue reading

What Can Associations Learn from Andrew Sullivan’s Paid-Content Decision?

Value, Paywll, Content Scrabble anagramDaily Beast blogger Andrew Sullivan announced last week that he will begin charging readers to access his blog, The Dish. This is very big news in the journalism world, where the question of whether readers will actually pay for good content rages. But it also carries with it a lesson for associations – and really for anyone who has a website that they want people to visit. Continue reading