Mobile: Is Your Website Ready?

smartphoneMy inbox is full of mobile data today, and it seems that it has been all week. Everywhere I look, there’s more evidence that mobile devices still continue to increase in importance for Americans (just when you thought that mobile couldn’t get any bigger!). Here’s just a sampling of the headlines:

iPad Use = More Email Testing Needed

email displayed on an iPadDid you know that more than half of all iPad owners would rather use their iPad to read and send email than either their phone or their computer? That’s the finding of a recent survey of U.S. iPad owners by email software provider Perion. And you need to pay attention if you rely on email marketing in any significant way. Continue reading

Tablet Users Want to See Your Whole Website… Usually

Is your website optimized for mobile users? Do you have either a separate site or a separate template for mobile users, and the ability to automatically direct visitors to the appropriate version when they arrive at the site? And does your mobile website offer a link to your full website?

If your answer to all those questions is yes… great! Unfortunately, you’re not quite done. Continue reading

Google Analytics: Pairing Mobile Devices and Screen Resolution

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#analytics”]Want to know what screen resolution your #mobile website visitors are using?[/tweetthis]

Want to know what screen resolution your mobile site visitors are using when they visit your website?

This is basic information that should be available in any decent analytics package, and it’s very easy to find in Google Analytics.

Here’s how: Continue reading

ASAE Technology Conference: Mobile wisdom

I’m attending my first-ever ASAE Technology Conference, with association technology professionals from all over the country (and maybe beyond). Day 1 of 2 is behind me, and I walked away from it with some interesting observations and great insights — most of them regarding mobile devices and information delivery.

I’m not going to try to wrap a lot of wisdom around this information because I’m running on fumes right now. But here are some of the best tidbits I scribbled in my notebook (yes, pen and paper at a tech conference; really). Continue reading

3 Questions to Answer Before Building a Mobile App

About a week ago, I checked in on my friend Kiki L’italien’s newly redesigned blog and saw a sweet little hand-drawn cartoon with just a one-sentence post: “Turn this photo into a blog post.” The drawing showed a woman balancing two things in her two hands: “existing budget” and “mobile app.”

balance mobile needs with existing budget

Posted with permission from Kiki L’italien

I took this as a challenge to fellow bloggers to consider this topic and weigh in via their own blogs. Since I’d been thinking for a while about starting a blog, this was my call to action: Get this blog started, and answer Kiki’s challenge. As it turns out, I went back to Kiki’s blog a few days ago and found that the one-sentence “challenge” had been removed, and a short post on the subject of mobile apps had replaced it; what I had thought was Kiki’s call-to-action to other bloggers was, in fact, a note to herself. But by then, it was too late to stop me. So here are my thoughts on the same topic.

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