Curled in my lap,
I could almost forget
the effort
it cost you to get here. Continue reading
Category Archives: Miscellany
Fits and starts
Words come to me in fits and starts, an image here, a memory there. Rarely when it’s convenient. I’ve taken to keeping my Notes app open on my phone while I drive so I can dictate hands-free. Even then, I’m not sure I capture anything worth the capture. I throw down a line but have to focus on the driving—better to lose the thought, or be unable to finish it, than to have it be my last on God’s earth. I get home and have only a collection of disjointed notes, nothing I’ve yet been able to build into anything better. Continue reading
25 degrees Fahrenheit
30 years we have been together,
24 years married, a son born and launched,
three parents lost.
Grief and joy both immeasurable,
laughter and tears commingled
in this world we have created, made and made ours.
We surround ourselves with friends, sometimes family, the larger the group the better,
but alone or with others
we are we.
Two and one.
I would not trade this life for any other.
To sleep, perchance…
The twitching of a dog’s foot against my human thigh,
grunting and snuffling and snorting that signal his dreams.
I lie awake, wishing for my own sleep,
but now also knowing
if I’d found it
I would have missed
moment. Continue reading
Baubles and thrift
It was 7 degrees F when I got up this morning and let my dogs out in the yard. I had to bundle up in my barn coat and hat to go outside as well because 7 degrees is just too cold to leave dogs out on their own. Paws could freeze. Great sadness would ensue.
A large patch of my wooden deck shimmered with black ice, sprinkled in frosty crystal patterns—my reward for braving the cold. It reminded me of beauty and danger, which made me happy for reasons I can’t quite explain. I even wrote a little nothing of a poem about it. Continue reading