I haven’t been here for a while. It turns out that recovering from a broken wrist feels like a full-time job. On top of my full-time job. So I’ve had little energy for writing. This poured out of me a couple of days ago, though, as I read and exercised my hand in the early-morning hours.
Category Archives: Arts
Po em = Poem
My phone’s autocorrect turns poem into
po em
as I type a social media post about the poems (about poetry!) I read today.
My blog’s autocorrect turns po into
P.O. as I type this now. Continue reading
Not yet morning
Dawn breaksĀ sometime in the future.
For now, I lie awake, insistent thrum of traffic washing up against my window, one unseen bird calling out, anticipating the day.
“Do worms hear?” I wonder as this bird (whose call I do not recognize, somewhere between cardinal and crow) breaks the pre-dawn calm with a repeated cheep … cheep … cheep. Does the early bird go hungry if it doesn’t remain quiet?
Lighting up the internet
Last night I lit up the internet.
That’s me, above, with some 500 of my closest friends—er, near acquaintances—at Chicago’s Lyric Opera, and of course on the internet, singing Queen.
History is made of stories
My grandmother had a ticket for the Titanic. Continue reading
From rural to urban; two wonders
To the woods again
I arrived home from work tonight with just barely enough time to get my dogs to the woods before nightfall, and once again we were rewarded with an up-close encounter with deer. It was darker this time than last, and I think we caught the white-tail end of the herd’s return to overnight quarters. We weren’t surprised this time — the humans, at any rate, definitely were not, and I think the dogs had the scent as soon as we left our car — but we were no less in wonder at our good fortune. Continue reading