West from Oklahoma City,
drive toward sun,
toward desert,
toward lapping ocean, Continue reading
West from Oklahoma City,
drive toward sun,
toward desert,
toward lapping ocean, Continue reading
RichnGooey, FatnCreamy, LusciousComfort
Fill me full of happy fat
Tempt me with your sour cream, that
Perfect blend of fat, starch, protein, dairy freshness
MacnCheese Continue reading
I find myself distracted this week. Distracted to the point of… well, distraction.
I’m not certain why. What I know is that my mind flits from thought to thought to absolutely no thought at all—but not the kind of no thought that is silent calm. Continue reading
Food falls to the floor.
I swear at my carelessness.
Dog lands at me feet. Continue reading
I have pies to bake and cleaning to be done, and a family Thanksgiving coming up to enjoy, but I can hardly think about those things because…puppets! Tickets went on sale yesterday for the 2019 Chicago International Puppet Festival, and I can’t wait to sift through the whole lineup, plan a schedule and get my tickets. And I really, really, really (really!) can’t wait to see some puppet theatre. Continue reading