I have been less than reliable in posting daily poetry to the front stoop, and even less reliable adding it here. So today we have a double edition of #frontstooppoetry.
It turned back to winter after teasing us with false spring. First cold, then snow flurries, then a freezing mist last night that made everywhere a skating rink. I learned this morning that an icy-coated rubber welcome mat is even slipperier than an ice-coated wooden deck! (Good news: I did not fall.)
I had to acknowledge the mercurial weather on the chalkboard, with “Snow Flurries.” It did really feel kind of like Mother Nature was reminding us who’s in charge.

That was two days ago. This morning’s ice rink thawed fairly quickly, and I was able to walk down my alley and front sidewalk safely by about 10am. By late afternoon the temperature felt spring-like again, and shortly before sunset I spied a beautiful, slightly hazy half moon peering down at me from far above the pine tree in the back yard. I was happy enough when I went outside; the moon lifted my spirits even further.

Today I’m grateful to be re-establishing a podcast habit while walking, grateful that my hound dog tried to leap into my lap while I worked at my desk this afternoon, and grateful for the inspiration to post a new poem on the porch this evening. All in all, a good day, and it’s not yet over.