It’s back-to-work Monday. For me, that means installing myself in the front bedroom, which serves triple duty as office and sometime family room, at the drafting table I inherited from my dad. I have a window next to me and usually a dog on the bed behind me. Life could be worse.
That’s how I feel about the world these days, too, and I hope it stays that way. More and more people are sheltering at home across the country, but not yet enough I fear. Yesterday during Church of the Informed Citizen services, I came across a site that provides state-by-state data models indicating best- and worst-case scenarios for battling COVID-19. It’s positively frightening. In most states, the “point-of-no-return” date for the state to take action that can prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed is sometime this week. That’s true even in a state as rural as Wyoming.
Once again, I’m thankful to live in a community and a state where this threat is being taken seriously. Being isolated isn’t a lot of fun, but it’s the right thing to do, and I’m glad our public officials have taken the approach they have. Even so I worry, especially about my own family. I know that’s normal, but normalcy doesn’t make it easier.
Making the best of it

It snowed here yesterday, as predicted. This is the Midwest, and snow in March isn’t unusual; I’m not going to complain about it. The day didn’t seem terribly cold, despite temperatures near freezing, and we spent plenty of it outdoors. But we didn’t actually break out the fire pit as planned.
Instead, because it was really wet, fluffy snow, I made miniature snowmen for my neighbors and anyone passing by. Three of them, all on my porch railing, one facing the sidewalk, and one facing each of my neighbors’ houses. Little snowmen make me happy; that’s all.
Goal setting
I did pretty well with the goals I set out for myself yesterday:
- Photo of the day—check
- Spaghetti carbonara—check (plus oatmeal cookies!)
- Create something—check
- Read—check
- Laundry—check
- Tidy table—check
Today is a workday, so I need to be more modest. Work aside, here’s what I’d like to manage:
- Photo of the day
- Read poetry
- Dog walk (snow be damned)
- Don’t eat too many cookies
- Stretch goals: exercise walk; create; dinner at a normal hour
Photo of the day
It was a lovely snow. I took a few pictures.

Lovely picture! I saw that state-by-state model, too–similar reaction! Similar overall and specific worries, too. Similar days, minus the dog walks….