But pitchers and catchers!

We woke up today to a winter wonderland.
It wasn’t a surprise. Snow started falling yesterday, and we were warned it would go all night, then be followed by a polar plunge in temperature. Yep, that happened.
What surprised me: I didn’t hate it. It was fluffy and beautiful, and pretty light for shoveling, and because I worked from home today I didn’t have to drive in it.

It came with grey skies, of course—but nothing unusual there. My first reaction was to grab my camera. My second was to give the dogs a quick walk before the arctic cold set in, and I couldn’t help pulling out my camera in the middle of that, too. Snow isn’t always pretty, but when it is—oh boy!
I came home with fingers stiff from cold but spirit soaring. All that white made the world seem bright and cheery even without any visible sun.
I’m telling you, though, spring’s on the way. It’s 12°F outside and headed down to -2°F overnight (not counting wind chill), but yesterday pitchers and catchers reported for (White Sox) spring training, and they had their first workout today. So take that, winter! You’re outta here.
Random coincidence? I took this picture of my snow-dusted seats from Old Comiskey Park before I realized that spring training was starting. Truth.

Of course, we still have this (cross-your-fingers) last arctic blast to deal with. I hope the pictures make it easier to enjoy.