I wore my sunglasses today!

The sun peeked out this morning, played hide-and-seek in the clouds for much of the day, and claimed the sky by the time I left work. I wore sunglasses during my commute in both directions; it might have been optimistic in the morning, but I 100% needed them in the afternoon. As I write, I’m sitting by the window where I can see the sun still shining bright.
Boy, have I missed you, golden treasure! And I know I’m not alone; you’re what people are talking about, both in person and on social media.
I also know that snow’s supposed to be coming tomorrow, but honestly right now I don’t care. I’m living in the moment.

Gratitude journal
So that’s #1 on my list of what I’m grateful for today, but it’s not alone. I had a slow morning commute due to a couple of accidents blocking traffic, and came across another one on the way home, and I’m grateful that I wasn’t involved in any of them. Bright side of life. (Bright—get it?) I’m also thankful for small opportunities to do good in the world. I took advantage of a couple of them today, and I’m thankful for the friend who alerted me to them. Sorry if that’s a bit cryptic, but there it is.
Also, I had a new poem accepted recently, publishing very soon, and I’m still glowing with warmth from that.
How about you? What are you grateful for today?
And Wes Anderson!
And I just read that there’s a new Wes Anderson movie on the way, and I can’t wait. Even before I read the premise, I knew it would be amazing, and now I’ve read the premise (and you can too; just follow the link) and am even more excited. Just look at those visuals.
And this cast:

And here’s the movie poster!

I’m silently swooning. Not a Wes Anderson fan? Don’t even talk to me.